Sunday, October 9, 2011

Post #1

              What a creative title for my first post, huh?  Almost as creative as the title of my blog.  I asked my husband, Drew, for a few suggestions but quickly turned down everything he came up with (which included "The Hot Preacher's Wife" among others).  
               I have never written a blog, nor have I really had too much of a desire to write one.  However, I keep having these moments of "Hey!  That'd make a really good blog entry" lately.  I am starting a new adventure in life with this whole staying-at-home thing.  Gotta be honest, I'm a lot more tired than I ever thought I would be for waking up at 8:00 most mornings.  I could care less right now about web design or the actual appearance of my blog.  If I ever get my uber-creative sister Katie over here then maybe I'll come up with something a big cooler than "Sample 3" as my layout.  
              The reason I'm worrying with this blog to begin with?  Exactly what the title says- "Things I don't want to forget."  Time flies by so quickly.  Five years ago yesterday Drew and I were engaged.  It seems like it was only yesterday.  Yet, it seems like we've been together forever.  That's how time is.  And, with so much going on, I don't want to forget any of the special moments we've shared as a family.  So, here's to hoping that this blog will help us to always remember what it was like.

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