This is my version of "Whatnot Wednesday" except that it is occuring on Friday. Is that allowed?
*Yesterday we spent Thanksgiving afternoon at Aunt Pat's and dinner at my mom's. Evangeline's favorite part was seeing all of Uncle Mike's cows. Speaking of cows, she has discovered that our manger scene has a cow in it. I caught her "feeding" the cow earlier with a spoon.
*She also liked playing with my parent's new cat, Denny. Denny is super sweet and very tolerant of her, until she tried to turn his head all the way around.
*While I was taking a bath, I had Evangeline watching Sesame Street in her highchair and coloring in her coloring book. When I returned to the kitchen to check on her, she'd broken a small piece of crayon off and shoved it up her nose. Oops. She kept saying "nose, nose." Thankfully she was able to blow (not suck!) it out.
*I really didn't want to have to wake up Drew to tell him we needed to go to the Emergency Room. He is still tired from waiting 3 hours at Best Buy last night so that we could NOT buy a small TV and Blu-Ray player. It's okay, we didn't need either. They were purchases we considered when moving and decided we'd wait til Black Friday to buy.
*Drew's also still a little ill at me b/c I have lost my house keys. Or Evangeline lost them. Either way they're lost. I had to call him last night when he was almost at Best Buy to come home and let us in. Then, he hid a hide-a-key for me but didn't tell me where he hid it! We came home from shopping today and spent 15 minutes hunting it! (It was in my van, which is really smart!)
*Trey is running a fever that I REALLY hope is teething related. Poor baby! It was 100.5 earlier.
*I made asparagus casserole, a turkey cheese ball, and sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving. The sweet potatoes finally finished cooking today. They were very soupy and no one ate them last night. Everyone in my family said they didn't like sweet potatoes. I asked my mom why we made them then and she said for Sammy and Katie (neither of whom were there last night!). I had some not-as-soupy sweet potatoes for lunch today and they were really good!
*Evangeline just yelled STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!! at a chair.
*Tonight we are going to the Meridian Wildcats game! I am excited! Also excited to hear about the PRC/Picayune game tonight!
*Evangeline doesn't understand the concept of "fake fruit." She climbed on my mom's Thanksgiving table last night to get some plastic grapes and ran behind the counter at Yoo Yoo's today for some plastic oranges.
*I asked Drew earlier, "Do you remember when it was just us? Wasn't that kinda nice?" He said, "I remember when it was just me." Sweet, huh?
It has been a long day already!
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