Monday, November 7, 2011

Cracking the Evangeline Code

That last blog post wore me out.  So, here's for something a little less serious...  This post is dedicated to anyone who sees my daughter on a regular basis and has to "crack the Evangeline code."

           Evangeline's language development has really been fascinating to experience.  When she first started talking she would emphasize one predominant sound in a word.  For example, "Daddy" was "Dada."  Edy- "E", Blue Bell- "Buh Buh."  Now that her language development has progressed, she can say some pretty big words, such as "cheerleader" and "noodle."  The fascinating thing is that the words she learned earliest, she still can't or won't say correctly.  Blue Bell is STILL Buh Buh, yet she can say cheerleader?  Here are some of Evangeline's words in case you should ever have a conversation with her.

Wub Wub- "Love Cub" or pacifier
Mok Mok- milk
Shh- Fish
Nak- Snack, or feed me please
Ih-ur- It hurts
Skuk- stuck, or "get me out!"
Choc Choc- chocolate, or "put some chocolate in my milk"
Be Be- Elizabeth
Cah Cah- Micah
Pay Pay- Wonder Pets, "or turn on the TV"
Ba- Bath
Ski Ski- Stinky
Can can- candy
Shin Shin- lotion
Cutter- Color, or "I really want to use this pen to write on something"
Ta Tide- Roll Tide
Da-shur- Yes Sir
Kay Kay- Aunt Katie
Keh Keh- Aunt Kelly
Mer Mer- Mrs. Mary
Bo Be- Brown Bear
Moon!- Goodnight Moon
Kinku- Thank You
Smore- Some more
Mou- mouse
Bybull- Bible

I know there are tons more that I just can't think of.  It is so fun watching her grow and develop into a person who is almost capable of carrying on a conversation with me!

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